Welcome to highlewelt GmbH the Mixed Reality Creators:
We develop Mixed Reality games, enterprise solutions, fun and digitral art apps and more
Welcome to highlewelt GmbH the Mixed Reality Creators:
We develop Mixed Reality games, enterprise solutions, fun and digitral art apps and more
highlewelt offers software and individual development of Mixed Reality content for HoloLens, Oculus, PICO, nreal and other devices.
We are digital veterans with many years of experience in the computer industry. We are good at Unity3D as well as in C#, C++, Java, HTML and many other programming languages. Cloud? Yes, of course, we use Cloud services for your projects and we like specific features like Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors and all related technologies.
How can we help you? Do you need an advice or a Mixed Reality App?
highlewelt GmbH
Jürgen Funk, Managing Director
Auenbruggerstraße 5
80999 München